Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to get a Master Ball in pokemon white:

First of all, head to Castellia City. Next, walk into the pokemon center. If you look in the top left corner, you will see a man in a black suit. Talk to him an he will ask you how many trades you have done. If you have done 50 or more trades, he will give you a Master Ball. You can also get Master Balls by trading or earning them from Professor Juniper. Well, I hope this advice helps!!! 

How to make your own Pokemon card on the computer:

First of all, you can either click this link, or type that address in at google. Next, click on the first link that pops up and you should come to the home page of a website. Then, you can type in the name of your pokemon, what type it is, the different moves it knows, weakness and resistance and the retreat cost. You can also upload your own JPEG image and make up a pokemon for its first evolution. When you are done, right click on your new pokemon card. Next, click: save as image. Then you can name it what ever you want.  If you open up Documents, or what ever you saved you card into, type in the name you saved it under. It should pop up as a photo. If you want to print it, open up Microsoft Word. Then, copy and paste your new photo. Next, click: file, which is on the top left corner of your screen and hit print. Once you have your pokemon card printed, you can cut it out of the paper, and then you have your own pokemon card!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Eevee Evolutions

                           1               2               3

                    4                     5                        6

The seven evolutions of Eevee are: 
1 - Leafeon grass type 
2 - Glaceon ice type
3 - Flareon fire type
4 - Jolteon electric type
5 - Espeon psychic type
6 - Umbreon dark type
7 - Vaporeon water type
Good luck getting your evolutions!

Friday, February 8, 2013

How to get a plume fossil in Pokemon White 2

         First of all, you need to be in Nacrene City. Head over to the museum and enter. After you take a step in, a scientist should stop and ask you to go on a tour with him. Next, Lenora, a former Gym Leader, will stop and ask you which is your favorite fossil. There are two choices, one holding a Tirtouga, and the other holds an Archen. I would recommend the Archen, so click on the plume fossil (you don’t have to choose the plume fossil, I just recommend it). The Archen and Tirtouga are both on level 25. Well, that is how you get a plume fossil in Pokemon White 2!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to get Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza.

         First of all, you need to be on Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver for the DS. Also, keep in mind that if you want any of these legendaries, you have to have the following supplies: Master Ball and a Blue or Red orb from Mr.Pokemon. If you are on Heart Gold you will get the blue orb and on Soul Silver, you will get the red orb. After you have all the supplies, go to Cianwood city. Now you can head on over to the safari zone. Climb up the steps and enter route 47.  Then, go to the next cave opening and head in. Climb down the ladder and exit through the next door. Use surf and go to the next island area and use rock climb and move scale the walls. Then, go through the entrance to Embedded Tower. If you are on Heart Gold you will see a Kyogre. If you are on Soul Silver, You will see a Groudon. To get Rayquaza, you have to have both Kyogre and Groudon (Trade the other legendary to your game because it is impossible to get both Kyogre and Groudon in the same game,) then meet up with Rayquaza at Embedded Tower. That’s how you get Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza!